Sunday, December 30, 2012

Polar Express Day, Sing Along and Winter Party

December 17th was Polar Express Day. We enjoyed our "train ride" to the North Pole in our pajamas (walking like a train making choo choo sound to the library) and heard the story, Polar Express read. Then we traveled to the cafeteria for some delicious cookies and hot chocolate (see picture below). **Your child should have come home with our Polar Express pictures (in our pajamas in front of the Christmas tree in the cafeteria) in a frame from me for Christmas.

December 18th we enjoyed sing along with the entire school in the cafeteria. We sang lots of wonderful Christmas songs. First grade was responsible for singing "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" so that is why we are wearing antlers and red noses. It was very FUN!

Later that afternoon we had our Winter Party full of wonderful food, fun and Christmas music.

I look forward to seeing your child again on Wednesday, January 2nd. Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Reindeer and Holiday Cards

We have been busy working the past few weeks from Thanksgiving...I think it was all of the delicious food! :) Last week we researched and learned about reindeer or caribou as they are called. We have some reindeer writing displayed in the hallway.

We also have received some holiday cards from around the world. Cards have been received from Kansas, Alabama, California, North Carolina, Idaho and Florida!!! We have plotted them on our map and talked about their location and compared it to where Texas is on the map. It has been fun to check and see if we've received any mail in our mailbox. Check out the pictures below.


This week in math we started talking about coins. We are identifying the coins and their value. So, if you want to work on practice at home with coins that would be GREAT!

Upcoming Events
*Tomorrow we have an afternoon pride rally (2PM) and it is college shirt, hat, or sock day!
*Saturday is pancakes with Santa at Applebees!
*Monday is polar express day (wear pajamas and slippers but please send tennis shoes for recess).
*Tuesday is our winter party at 2:45 in the classroom.
* Dec. 19th-Jan. 1st is Winter Break-- please be on the lookout for an enrichment packet coming home with your child for the two week break. I encourage your child to work on the packet and READ over the break to reinforce skills learned at school. I wish you and your family a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Check back next week for Polar Express Day and Winter Party Pictures!