Sunday, February 10, 2013

100th Day!

Friday, February 8, 2013 we celebrated the 100th day of first grade! Students were met when they arrived with a festive entry into the classroom, 100th day pencil, sticker, crown and glasses to accompany their white shirt with 100 things on it! Students also enjoyed making their 100 day snack by counting out 10 groups of 10 different snack items to make 100th day "trail mix." Students also had their picture made with "100th day in first grade" picture frame....those pictures will appear in a special end of the year gift for each student :)

Just a reminder....Students need to continue reading the books in their book bags (these books are on their level and specific to your student). Please ask follow up questions when they are done reading to check for comprehension and you can have your child read to you on a timer to check for fluency (how fluid your child is reading the story...our goal by the end of first grade is 60 words per minute). Also, your student can get on ("MHay1" is the username) to practice word wall words and word family words.

Tuesday, February 12th is Spaghetti dinner and Silent Auction before the PTA meeting at 7pm in the cafeteria. Fourth grade will perform once the PTA meeting is over.

Valentine's Day Party is this Thursday February 14th at 2:45pm in the classroom. Please send your child's valentines for each student in the class on Thursday. Thank you!